Modifier Firmware for the RK-002

If you're reading this message the MIDI system is not properly initialized. Probably you did not allow MIDI access, are not using Chrome or don't have the Jazz-plugin fallback installed (or you are on a mobile device) Please install the Jazz-plugin from here: jazz-soft.net Or enable plugin access and try a refresh.

Desktop MIDI Interface

Select MIDI Out interface:
Select interface
Select interface

RK-002 Firmware updater is located here

Note: Devices like the Arturia Keystep/Beatstep pro are showing up like MIDI devices but they do not pass MIDI SysEx messages thus can not be used to update/set the RK-002. If you have no other means to send Syex to the cable you can try the NRPN backup described in the RK-002 MIDI Implementation

Basic MIDI setup

MIDI response channel:
Select MIDI channel
PolyMUX *:
Extra MIDI channels
PolyMUX expands device polyphony by spreading played notes over extra MIDI channels. The RK-002 MIDI Response channel is the base channel, PolyMUX channels will be the consecutive channels. Select the extra amount of MIDI Channels in the PolyMUX dropdown. E.G. on a 3-voice polyphonic device, setting one extra PolyMUX channel doubles the polyphony to 6.

Controller mapping

If the MIDI controllers are set other than 0, extra CC messages will be sent on the following MIDI triggers. Consult the manual of the synth you want to control to see which CC's are applicable:

Pitch wheel mapping
Controller #
Mod wheel mapping
Controller #
Velocity mapping
Controller #
Aftertouch mapping*1
Controller #
Keytrack mapping*2
Controller #

* firmware v43+, *1 firmware v35+, *2 firmware v49+

MIDI Real-Time/Channel Filter

MIDI Clock filter

MIDI Channel filter